"The epitome of sophistication is utter simplicity." I came across this line last night while reading Maya Angelou's
Letters to My Daughter. The line stopped me in my tracks for its truth.
The volume is a beautiful collection of thoughts on life written by Ms. Angelou to the daughter she never had. My wonderful mother stuck it in my suitcase during my recent visit to Maine and she included a loving inscription, penned in her illustrious cursive. There is so much wisdom in this book about getting the most meaning out of life and realizing that each and every one of us has a value in this world and the right to a joyful life. I implore you, all my friends, to read this book, especially if you are going through troubling times. It will shine light onto the blessings you already have and those that are within your reach.
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Thank you for the recommendation. I've actually heard this is a lovely book, so I will add it to my reading list. Love the line you chose. It is SO true!