
May 2, 2011

A Refined Weekend

I arose at 4 o'clock in the morning to watch the Royal Wedding. It felt like Christmas morning - the excitement, the anticipation.  I drank tea and ate chocolate biscuits (McVitie's of course!) while Kate Middleton unveiled her gorgeous Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen wedding gown. My favorite moment was Kate meeting William at the alter - the first time he saw her in her gown - and just the incredible look of humble love between them. Breathtaking.

On Friday evening, I had some company to celebrate the Royal Wedding, serving homemade scones and more chocolate biscuits!

I also served Salade Lyonnaise and we drank sparkling wine in celebration!

I also played a little dress-up, trying to put together fun outfits that are work appropriate. My job requires more formal wear (not prom-like of course) than previous positions. I don't want to wear suits all the time, so I am trying to create interesting business (or close-to-business) outfits.

Saturday I strolled through the streets of Old Town Alexandria (trying to avoid the tourist-infested downtown DC). The houses there are GORGEOUS in their historic state, so prettily painted and landscaped. I think I may have to move there at some point. The weather was magically sunny and my walk proved to be quite a lovely experience.

I grew giddy when I saw these old-fashioned street lamps that were burning candles (or at least, that's what they looked like) - so emblematic of the historic South.


  1. Looks like a lovely weekend....I love your Royal Wedding celebrations! I watched everything via BBC the next day, and could hardly tear myself away from all the photos and videos.

    that (is it green?) top looks great on you, and Alexandria IS gorgeous. I'm itching to visit DC now!

  2. i love everything about this. and i think you look stunning in that work outfit. oh to visit dc soon! the houses, the lamps!

  3. Beautiful work outfit! I love that photo of the streets of Alexandria - definitely a place I would love to visit! Sounds like a marvelous weekend! XOXO


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