
April 13, 2011

Scarf Divine

A pretty package

A scarf divine!
I discovered a tiny, flat package in my mailbox this afternoon. Once in my apartment, I tore off the packaging to find a sweetly wrapped gift - purple tissue and a silk ribbon the color of goldenrod.  A note was written with love by my dear mother.

Unfolding the tissue, I beheld the most beautiful scarf, hand sewn my incredibly talented mother. She is the font of my inspiration - her creativity is boundless. I am so blessed to have her in my life (and I cannot wait to see her and my dad when they visit next week!!)!

This lovely token was just the antidote I needed for this taxing day.


  1. That is SO beautiful!! What a wonderful mother you have! (And thank you, by the way, for the most thoughtful comment on my post this week; you totally made my day!) XOXO

  2. A most lovely scarf for a most lovely young woman.
    You are all so very special...

  3. That scarf is so lovely, you have a very talented mother!Hope your week has improved!

  4. What a beautiful gift, Emily! How amazing--I could almost feel the thrill of opening this special parcel through your description! Wonderful!


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