
March 5, 2011

A Design Journey

My cup continues to runneth over as I continue to settle into my new apartment! I feel so blessed to have this space to call my own and to furnish in accordance with my style. My dear and incredibly thoughtful friend Emily recently sent me Domino: The Book of Decorating to guide me as I begin to bring this comfortable space to life through design (an undertaking that I hope will not break my pocketbook!)!

I hope to post design developments on the blog, showing before and after photos of each area in my humble, yet darling studio apartment.

First off, the picture above is my current nightstand situation: using a chair as a nightstand -- an idea that I discovered through Chelsea Fuss's blog, {frolic!}. Since I have very little furniture right now, I used the chair more out of practicality than fashion, but I really like the idea nonetheless.

I am determined to ensure that this space is not cluttered with furniture and bits and bobs (an English phrase).  Domino asks me to determine my style, and, at the outset, I would like the theme to be English Country with a slight modern edge (but let's face it, it's me so there are going to be florals everywhere). I miss England so and I wish this space to be a little pocket of my favorite country. I chose to have my own place because I require a calm, comforting refuge after a day spent in the chaos of the world.

I am thrilled to begin this little design journey and hope you, my dear friends, will join me! Happy weekending!


  1. How exciting, I love decorating a new place! I love the chair as a nightstand concept, too. I think the lamp gives it character. Have a lovely weekend!

  2. I love the chair-as-nightstand idea, too! Looking forward to seeing more of your design journey :)

  3. Whoohoo! You are starting out so well! I love that they ask you to determine your style from the start and go from there--I work backwards, I think :)


  4. I did a similar thing for my guest room when I realized that I had much too much and didn't want to buy everything new all at once. I wanted to savor the design aspect of it and let it come to fruition slowly. Enjoy your new place!


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