
January 3, 2011

Calandrier 2011: Live with Intention

One of my favorite parts of the new year is starting afresh with a new calendar! My mother lovingly gave me a beautiful desk calendar called 'Live With Intention.'  It is seriously the prettiest calendar I have ever received in terms of its construction as well as the delicate watercolor paintings and calligraphic quotes. I sometimes find calendars with quotes rather cheesy, but these quotes are smart, simple, unpretentious.  Each day is given enough space to accommodate my messy, large scrawl and there are also strategically placed spots for notes and reminders. Just delightful!

Do you look forward to getting your new calendars? What kind of calendar do you have?


  1. I love, love, love getting a new planner at the start of the year. I haven't been able to find one that appeals to me yet but, I'll have to make a decision quickly as classes start next week and I'll need to organize myself.

    Happy New Year! :)

  2. I obsess over fresh, new planners and calendars. The planner was always my favorite part of the beginning of the school year...empty pages for me to fill with doodles and sketches. My mom would always give me a calendar for Christmas along with a moleskine journal. I love the one your mom gave you! Hope you're enjoying the first week of it! XOXO

  3. That's a great calendar! Happy Happy New Year :-)

  4. went to three different stores in search of my favorite moleskine and had to settle on a different kind this year. it'll arrive by post and it's green. i think i needed something different anyway.

  5. new planners are my favorite! I get the same one from barnes and noble every year...

    cute blog!



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