
April 20, 2010

A Mighty Purpose

Focusing on my mighty purpose today.

Devoting my time and thoughts to the greater end of

my career ambitions and

owning my own happiness.

No more Scarlett O'Hara impersonations.

It's time to break the pattern of indolence.

I'm tired of being tired. I am too young for such indulgences.

I've been asleep for two years. Lulled by the enticements of materialism.

I haven't really lived yet.

Must. Find. New. Energy.

Action plan:

Every day I plan to accomplish one thing that will move me closer to my endgame.


  1. I love your vim and vigor today!

  2. Scarlett was a good businesswoman, we have to give her credit for that...but her little tomorrow saying is bad for getting started. My dad always says, "Think about what you want to do/be more than anything in the world, and then do one thing today to get you there." You basically said the same thing, which means you're brilliant :)

  3. Planning is key. Loving you motivation right now! ;o)

  4. Just had to tell you that my fiance was reading the responses to the career question and the first thing out of his mouth was "I want to marry Emily." Needless to say he's a big NPR fan. Hilarious. Good luck on your daily goals---you're going to be famous!!!! XOXOXO

  5. Good for you! Fabulous plan - I myself need to get on that wagon and get my 'rear in gear,' ha ha! Keep up the awesomely fabulous motivation - wishing you the best!


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