
December 2, 2009


This is what my mom always says to me. Believe. Believe that your life will work out. That You will find your career. That you will meet and marry a good man. That you will have some beautiful children. That you will make the world a better place. Sometimes this believing business is hard to do. But I am trying. In the spirit of this mantra and the holiday season, here are some pretty examples of believing:

{A copper tag from windshine}

{A silver ring from ArtandSol}

{This charming print from PenelopeandPip}

{Some sweet silver earrings from tickeledfancy}


  1. love the sentiment...
    and they are all so great
    and....i believe that ring is going on my christmas wish list :)

  2. it is hard to believe sometimes isn't it...sigh.

    love that print. x


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