
October 2, 2009

Style Icon: Bright Star's Ruffled Collar

{Fanny Brawne and John Keats stroll through the English countryside}
I've just seen the Jane Campion film Bright Star, a story about the love affair between the British poet John Keats and Fanny Brawne, a young woman of the middle class. It is a beautifully-captured film that makes me long to be back in England once more. The movie reveals the simple pleasures of a rural English life in the late eighteenth century where one diverts by reading a well-written novel, sewing a finely-stitched item of clothing, engaging in a witty repartee with one's neighbors, and appreciating the gifts of nature in all its seasons. The film is rich with Keat's poetry, vivid characters, a representation of a strong family, a passionate love story, and...ruffled collars! Ruffle collars are so feminine and delicate, yet also powerful and regal. Fanny is a fashionista, crafting all of her own stylish clothes. In particular, she prides herself on her fashioning of ruffled collars. I have selected a few fetching examples from the film as well as some contemporary versions. Also, if you couldn't already tell, I highly recommend this film!

{Fanny's off-white ball gown has three tiers of ruffles}

{Fanny stitches her three-tier ruffle collar in the solitude of her room}

{A sweet little ruffle collared jacket}

{I have this J.Crew blouse!}

{My as-yet-to-be purchased France Ruffle blouse from J.Crew}

Image found here, here, here, here, here, and here.

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