
August 10, 2009

home is

I made a submission (see above) to the This Is My Home blog, which is a project where people define their home in one sentence. The project's premise is meant to visualize the variance of interpretations of home around the world. Everyone submits a line about home and then they will match images to the lines, after which readers will vote on the best image/line combination. Comparing my sentence to others, I think I got a little too complex and descriptive about my home, but I have such a sense of this moment that I describe and it suggests a perfect calmness and ease in my soul that I must give it credit as the place to which I cleave when I am the most lonely. I first heard of this from erin of reading my tea leaves (thanks, erin!). My roommate Ingrid of the scenic route entered the contest as well and I just LOVE her definition of home (fourth one from the top).

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